Facts - About Youth of Color at a Glance
Despite our many achievements, racial and ethnic disparities that negatively impact young people of color continue to exist.
Did You Know…
- Despite declines in teen births and rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), racial and ethnic disparities remain, and in some cases, have increased.
- Latino and African-American males have the highest mortality rate of all young people 15-19.
- Latino and African-American children are more likely to be in poor health and more likely to have a medical need unmet due to cost.
- Latino and African-American youth are more likely to feel sad or hopeless; and more likely to report attempting suicide compared to Caucasian youths.
- 80 percent or more of all African-American and Latino public school students in the 4th, 8th, and 12th grades are unable to read or do math at grade level.
- The average high school graduation rate for African-American students is 60 percent in contrast to 81 percent for Caucasian students.
Today is our tomorrow!
Don’t listen to the naysayers. We owe it to our children, we owe it our future, and ultimately we owe it to ourselves.
For More Facts Go To…
- Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity: Building Resources to End Racism
(http://www.racialequity.org) -
CDC-Health Disparities-Adolescent and School Health
(www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/disparities/index.htm) - Child Trends: Research to Improve Children’s Lives
(http://www.childtrends.org) - Children’s Defense Fund: a strong, effective, independent voice for all the children of America
(http://www.childrensdefense.org) - The National Campaign: To Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
(http://www.thenationalcampaign.org) - Campaign for Youth Justice: Because the consequences aren’t minor
(http://www.campaignforyouthjustice.org) - The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation
(http://www.kff.org) - National Center for Education Statistics
(http://nces.ed.gov) - Advocates for Youth: Rights. Respect. Responsibility
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